The traditional bond with nature is reflected in the local diet, in which ingredients are selected according to their authenticity, seasonality, environmental and economic sustainability as well as high nutritional value, thus achieving benefits that are scientifically verifiable. The menus of the Halubje and Kastav areas belong to the Mediterranean diet model characteristic of the Adriatic hinterland, with variations conditioned by historical events and cultural influences. As a result, the offer of the numerous restaurants in this area is based on dishes that combine the local culinary heritage with current trends in cuisine.
Alongside physical activity in the open air and socialising, the Mediterranean diet is one of the most important elements of health and vitality. All these factors, perfectly integrated into everyday life, can be found in Viškovo. In the hinterland of Rijeka and Opatija, where the blue of the sea meets the green of the mountains, the centuries have fashioned a menu based on local and seasonal ingredients, creating a unique culinary experience inseparable from other aspects of traditional culture: music, architecture, tradition, and language. Halubje – an oasis of good cuisine in which each menu, imbued with the secret ingredients of culture, forms a unique culinary experience that blends in the fragrant flavours of traditi